
Expand the reach of your therapy session.


Theratrak helps you stay connected to your patients outside of their therapy sessions.



Increase participant's motivation

By making your therapy home program simple and easy to use, you're enabling your participants to take charge of their health.


Create customised programs

Capture meaningful information using photos and videos of your participants completing activities, during their session.


Streamline your admin

Theratrak integrates with your therapy session, capturing your treatments and treatment plan for your participants to take home.


The assistant app for therapists

Theratrak is a mobile app that allows therapists to capture and digitise meaningful information in therapy sessions.

Then use this data to prescribe, monitor and track custom therapy home programs to their participants.


Session manager

Use our extensive database of activities to quickly and easily build your participant’s program. In just one click, personalise and prescribe activities with their frequency, duration and any necessary comments.


Add rich media to programs

Go beyond paper and pen. Use Theratrak as a visual guide for your clients to follow your recommendations at home.


Participant therapy platform

Participants get access to their very own platform - an engaging and motivating tool for at-home practice.


Security and privacy by design

Theratrak takes privacy seriously. Our mobile app is PIN protected, data sent is fully encrypted and visible only to consenting participants. We use Microsoft Azure to securely store our data.


Core Features

Stay connected to your participants outside of their therapy sessions with a full set of tools to prescribe, monitor, and track custom therapy home programs.


Prescribe Home Programs

Access an extensive database of categorised activities.

Custom activities

Build a personalised media content library for your clinic.


Simplify communication and coordination of care.

Manage participants

Create, plan and strategise for individual participants.

Track Progress

Provide asynchronous care and capture meaningful information from participants.

Analyse data

Make data-driven decisions by measuring comparing progress and change over time.


Customise nudges and build engagement through meaningful connection.


Build capacity and agency by supporting participants to focus on targets.


Watch the video below to see how Theratrak works for therapists:

The Problem

Research suggests that the minute your participant walks out the door they forget 40-80% of what their medical practitioner has told them.

Our Solution

Theratrak gives your patient digital access to the home program you prescribe so that they are better informed to continue with their treatment program.


Help your participants reach their full potential.


Are you a participant and interested in trying Theratrak with your therapist?

Learn about our participant platform.