Best Case Scenario Podcast Ep 3: Using Technology to Deliver Accessible & Inclusive Healthcare

Using Technology to Deliver Accessible & Inclusive Healthcare

“I read research that said the minute someone leaves a medical practitioner, they forget up to 80% of what they were just told.”

- Laura Simmons, Theratrak Founder

In the interview, Laura talks about the expansion of Theratrak’s mission. At first Laura was focused on starting small and building a paediatric home programming platform.

Now Theratrak has all types of allied health professionals and multidisciplinary teams using Theratrak to deliver and increase therapy outside of sessions.

Laura speaks with Best Case Scenario Founder & Director Luli Adeyemo about how Theratrak has developed and inclusivity in the healthcare technology space.

Watch the Best Case Scenario Interview with Laura

Episode description:

The highly anticipated third instalment of In Conversation with Change Makers features Laura Simmons, CEO and Founder of Theratrak, discussing inclusivity within the technology landscape for families and children with disabilities, and the benefits of digitising treatment offers both therapists and participants.

'In Conversation with Change Makers' is designed to inspire and empower change makers. We believe in the power of people, the responsibility of organisations, and the importance of industries to drive change to improve the lives of others.

Listen to the Best Case Scenario Change Makers Interview episde: